RoboFi is a secure and transparent Defi Platform that Decentralised Autonomous Crypto trading bots through IBO (Initial Bot Offering). They came up with the requirement of creating a bot for Telegram channel where the desktop application can be embedded into chatbot. They also offer creating bots on other platforms related to crypto trading marketplaces.
The Challenge
The challenge was huge, we have to embed desktop applications in Telegram chat where users can perform a specific function/s. In addition, the system can send relevant information for advertising. This bot should also send a message in a particular group in the specified time interval.
Why ‘Snap Innovation’ Chose QuixSolution
Snap Innovation came up with their requirement of embedding their few desktop applications in the Telegram app. Quix acted swiftly to come up with a design and development process which was accepted to start as soon as possible.
How QuixSolution Responded
We first discussed everything with our client, had around 3-4 online meetings, raised our confusions, provided consultancy and assigned a full fledged team to complete it within the given time frame and then started the design and development.
The Result
All requested functions were designed into the bot, including the bot training. Users can add max duration [minutes] and max message per group. If the user sets the max message group to 2 then only two groups will get a replay from the bot. Once the click on start user will get a replay from the bot. In addition, users can see starting and ending times, as well as the total message sent.
Main Features
Application allows users to perform the various operations by adding them to groups. Telegram bot is public so everyone can find it.
This desktop application can use Admin account and API configuration as well.
In the telegram, we can have many groups and can add this bot name in this group.
Along with adding this bot name users can perform various operations. Also, users can create many groups in Telegram. Thus, users can add any message regarding advertising.